Post by spartacus on Jun 15, 2005 3:31:30 GMT -5
The downfall of the capitalist system
1. Termination of all ownership over natural resources and production.
2. This planet is ours and everything on it is ours too and no one was given the right to sell it to us and thus enslaves us for eternity.
3. Work, rent, price and wages are the painful expression of our misery and modern slavery.
4. By terminating the state and capitalism we bring to an end all human suffering on earth.
5. Without any authority or hierarchy, without money and classes we will end the unnecessary hardship and suffering of billions of people living now on earth.
Economy / politics (capitalist, socialist, fascist) are the cages designed for us by our self-chosen masters. They are the cages we are put in since birth and there we exist: a cage we call home, a cage we call work a cage we call poverty and marriage, a concrete cage of psycho-physical torture we call the lottery of normality.
Capitalism is a big jail for the majority of the populace, the state is a big prison, a well guarded highly equipped working and punitive / reward prison for the inhabitants, operating on Pavlov's principle but stripped of its socialistic connotation.
Capitalism and the state imprison both the rich and the poor, hiding them each in their respective places. A prison that they themselves participated in creating, some willingly others through enforced labor. Society's self designed jail based on the objective conditioning of modern alienation and the deterministic enslavement of humanity – a ramified historical necessity.
Break the chains of the past, break the chain of ignorance and submission and join the anarchic social revolution. The future is their for the making, lets enjoy in creating it.
The system that destroys mind and matter
The capitalist system is the cause of all modern barbarism. Capitalism is an economical cannibalism; it kills and devours people for profit.
Capitalism is a mass killing machine just like the Romans and Chingis Khan but in the disguise of finance and personal investments.
Capitalism is an amalgamation of pain, blood and sweat. Capitalism is the concentration of stolen labor and confiscated land. Capitalism is the primary cause of disease, mental and medical. Capitalism causes 90% of all violence in the world, the blood/sweat thirst of capital.
The toxic fangs of capital, the vampires are the ruling class and their lackey's, the parasite lurking over other people's labor, the executioners of freedom and love.
Capitalists are sucker parasites feeding on humanity, predation on all collective benefits, accumulating their loot for further infinite expansion called the business cycle.
The rich and their banks and stock exchange will have learned to live without them; their parasitic practices will be terminated for ever. No more excuses for neither buying nor selling.
The people of the world will take control over their food and shelter and all the rest of it and get rid of the leaders of capital and terminate their beloved pyramid the state.
Capitalism makes the world ugly and by its nature it is greedy and stingy. On the ruins of modern capitalism we will have free people living without barter or exchange, without a need for a symbolic mediation, living through direct conscious distribution of production and consumption.
God and capital and the state are dead, anarchists have killed them in the last 200 years. We have killed them because they deserve to vanish from our existence, what they have left behind in their glorious historic march is nothing but slavery, global misery and devastation.
We destroy capital and the state to liberate humanity from its hypnotic social grip and its desperate repulsive reappearance as a spectacle of the negative dimension.
Capitalism is an historical perversion and the state is a manic deviation. Anarchism defeats the state and capitalism and offers humanity something that is worthy of their posture, a labor of love or the love of labor, beauty instead of horror
C I A – Communist Individualist Anarchism
Dear revolutionaries – Greetings still from the hell of the future
The "development" of capitalism is a total and permanent human crisis, physically and psycho-emotionally.
The forces of politico-economical powers are one and the same thing but in different periods and faces, operating within historical conditioning on a global scale.
The head, body and tail of the capitalist beast which is humanly sick and perverted in its social relations, based on usurers, conmen and speculators. Under the disguise of post-barter exchange they legalize their stolen profit and labor loot.
A system of universal suffering wars and poverty, a global system of robbery of all resources, exploitation and then after ruining the planet and human life they hide in remote country sides or well hidden bunkers.
A system of violent and viscous powers ruled and conducted by politico-fiscal tyrants and rich megalomaniacs, who swindled humanity in controlling its entire human and natural resources.
Crimes against humanity what this system does because it is based on a capitalist legal form of socio-economical criminality, an officially recognized egoism and ambitious lust and greed as a substitute for the lack of genuine pleasure.
The hierarchy is severely perverted; it has created monsters of powers that were encouraged to become so, leaders who are mentally shallow and instable, like the ones we have today and as it always in the past.
Neither left nor right of capital will save us from a determined doom, but a conscious socio-anarchic revolution lead by the people themselves with a little help from anarcho-revolutionary friends.
The anarcho-social revolution is a real solution to a real problem; only anarchy can dissolve capitalism and bring it to a halt. How to stop capitalism from killing humanity quickly and gradually in the name of free marketeering and a ruling class democracy?
We can stop this destructive self-blinded march in the quest for more and more billions of dollars and universal domination.
How long capitalism is going to devour us and later excrete us for recycling our submission and obedience? When will the capitalist system become obsolete? Can we fasten the process of its disintegration as was the case in the socialist system.
When will this criminal and brutal system disappear and free humanity from its nasty yoke? When will it self-destruct and how? Well, the answer to all these urgent problems is our anarcho-revolutionary activity in the last fifty years.
Freedom fighters in theory and practice, as living example, in words and deeds, courageously digging the grave of international-state capitalism. Now the grave is deep and ready and what remain it just to push it down there and on the surface plant some ganja weeds.
The freedom of all is the freedom of the one and the well being of each, so we can go on living without coercion and oppression. Let's accompany humanity in our journey of intellectual creativity and constructive alterations. Start with subverting your immediate environment and the internet.
Porno-military internet, anarcho-capitalism and patriotic cyber chauvinism
The tools – The individual – The state – The society
1. The perverted historical development of "humanity.
2. The perverted historical development of hierarchy.
3. The onto-epistemological spectacle/surveillance.
4. The anarcho-symbiosis and nihilo-metamorphosis.
5. Theoretico-practical meta-synthesis.
6. Creation of anarcho-alternative paths of progression.
7. Meta-dialectical and post-materialist emancipation.
8. Anarcho-communist revolutionary advance.
Free individuals like anarchism are the fundamental precondition for a free and equal society. Nihilo-revolutionary thinking and acting for the liquidation of anti-human forces and cyber annihilation of all ideologies and religions, thus ending quasi-theory and ignorant behavior.
The foundation of capitalism (1760-1840) is based on criminality and illegality, the new economy of punishment, the ghetto and prison for the masses.
Anarcho-capitalism is a dead fish stinking from its head, pity-bourgeoisie greed without state interference. The western civilization the creator of unnatural capitalism 200 years ago is half liberal and half fascist. All ideologies and religions were created for the sole purpose of controlling the mind and gold. Politics and economy like science, ethics and morality were designed for the purpose of manipulating and managing the feudo-industrial modern slave.
All systems are rotten and are very destructive to life and must be abolished to rescue the human race from its self-made extinction.
What we need is an anti-system, the meta-system, a system-less harmony and creation which means in pragmatic term, economical happiness to all people on earth. Yours in the anarchic social revolution 2005CIA.
Most anarchists are not anarchist at all - Anti-economical determinism
Since anarchists from the time of Bakunin and Kropotkin up to now depended solely on the Marxist analysis of capitalist economy that turned out to be very wrong and misleading. This erroneous analysis brought down the whole socialist camp and exposed the invalidity of communist theory.
The dependence of anarchism on failed Marxist predictions and prognostication caused plenty of harm to anarchic theory and turned anarchists into regimented scouts of social therapy. No wonder that modern anarchism looks like this today, North American anarchism is not anarchism at all, but a replica of middle class activism.
Anti-economical anarchism is the only true anarchism since it alone can totally eliminate all sorts of authority, hierarchy and what ever oppression anywhere.
Anarchism as represented by our friends in north Europe, is pathetic and makes you want to puke, to even think of organized anarchism is an ultra contradiction in term. As a result of so many crucial mistakes contemporary anarchists behave as a bunch of left wing liberal scouts, negotiating their party line and dogmatic ideology, just as our hated cousin the Bolshevik.
The magic ward of affinity group means let's hide in little gropes and pretend we are operating on a global scale, or let's dress in a differently colored costumes so we could play safely whilst confronting the 8 masters.
Primitivism is not anarchism nor salvation is going to come from the internet, the revolution awaits you someplace and somewhere else.
This is not a criticism of the anarchic movement as such, but a recommendation for the adaptation of a meta-Marxist post-capital anti-dialectical approach based on anti-analysis and the demolishment of capitalist social relations.
What we need is an anti-economical post-Marxist meta-synthesis for the creation of the last revolution. Economy is theft and property is robbery.
All necessities of life is distributed free during and after the revolution, the collapse of capitalism will enrich the whole world population and turn each and everyone into an overnight millionaires, we shell have by the year 2015 7000000000 millionaires, a very happy and celebrative humanity.
Arm your pleasure and equip your passion with revolutionary knowledge so you will be always ready to make and participate in the already long overdue social revolution.
If by waiting few more years we can further reduce the required violence to a minimum then be it. After destroying the state and hierarchy wages and commerce disappear to the disappointment of many anarcho-capitalists.
Labor will turn into a revolt, we want to manage our lives ourselves and no one else and anyone who dares otherwise shell facet a violent attack, since slavery and exploitation are unforgivable and epidemic.
The destruction of life is not a demagogic issue but a survival defense and a last stand of the slave who is on a head collision with his master.
Freedom must be taken by force; justice is equality when there is no exploiting fellow human any more. Values and business is an organize deceit orchestrated by blood stained economical gangsters embraced by weak and corrupt politicos.
Capital economy is the king and the ruling classes, immersed in wealth and power whilst devastating our lives, our planet and obliterating the future.
They impoverish the rest of humanity whilst keeping the middle class and allowing it consume, thus keeping it in check, business-bossy and ossified.
Humanity wants revolt and it wants it now and we are here to provide it with exactly that. Lets not allow 200 years of anarchism be thrown to the garbage of history because of some alienated tendencies. We exist and that is enough to create the biggest and final revolution in our miserable human history, cause a revolution that has never been witnessed before i.e, the creation of freedom. Humanity demands freedom and we demand material equality, a meta-critical mass rebellion engulfing the whole planet thus turning life into a more bearable and pleasant existence for all.
The death of theory and the end of idealism
The blind is leading the blind
Philosophy as clinical psychiatry
The death of philosophy
Dull and frigid philosophers
The impotence of capitalist thinkers
Pedantic idealism
Philosophers to the garbage
And the revolution is here to stay
Philosophers like scientists are dogmatic and very limited, they always serve the master. Philosophy is the religion of capitalism and science is metaphysical; the poverty of intellectual life. Afraid of freedom and concrete equality they bow to every idle and submit their critical thinking to the service of the empire that be.
Confused by their own tautology and anxious about their ontological crises, they plunge into the formal and abstract.
Well, this time there is no escape dear philosopher and scientist, because your hay days are few.
Termination of the capitalist system
1. By dismantling the army and police we dissolve the state and authority and thus no one will be capable of attacking or exploiting another.
2. By the cancellation of inheritance law and terminating private ownership of natural resources and the means of production, i.e., by the elimination of capitalist social relations and business our world turns into paradise and not hell.
3. The burning of money as an exchange value.
4. The ending of all laws and bourgeois morality thus terminating the hegemony of the ruling classes.
5. Capitalism is a physical and mental disease, a profitable disease for the few, its urgent cure is the uprooting the infected reactionary cyst called system control for the dictatorship of the rich.
6. The only cure and solution is revolutionary transformation of society on the basis of gift economy and total material equality.
7. Anarchic anti-capitalist social leap into a world where human life has the highest consideration.
The Death of Theory and Idealism
* Why – when – how – who – etc.
A. The West has the right objective conditions yet lacks the rebellious nature of the people, at present at least.
B. The East and South have masses of rebellious people but lack the objective conditions.
C. Anarchism like Communism has been stuck theoretically and practically for the last 200 years.
D. Revolutionary transformation of consciousness and its advancement of human faculties.
* Answers – solutions – post-dialectics – etc.
1. Why do I start with West (English), the global situation of the internet is obvious. In English for the West first because intellectually it is more advanced whilst the rest of the world has emotional superiority.
2. The mixture of a highly advanced emotion from the South and East with the very developed intellect of the West is the answer to 90% of all contemporary human problems.
3. Self-criticism and self-complementation on correct occasions alone guarantees permanent development in all fields.
4. You cannot make a penny or a cent without further destroying some other human lives.
5. Rapid accumulation of knowledge and its revolutionary transformation into social practice and preparedness for the revolution.
As to the readers of all sides of the ideological specter, please, just wait a second and comprehend before you respond, adjust yourselves to a totally new universal situation. Those of you who desire to rescue and save humanity from utter devastation should only lend a hand and coordinate this colossal task.
Whereas to those readers who wish to maintain whatever authority and hierarchy from our ugly past should listen carefully to what I have to say because otherwise they are going to find themselves expelled from society on a trip. Likewise those who won't to maintain any sort of governance or statehood or capitalism under any banner, please listen, it might be the last time we say please give up peacefully so we would not have to use any force.
The majority of the people are in no position whatsoever to take back their right of self-determination; most people are deluded into voting believing that they are taking part in an equal and democratic process. Capitalism is democratic as in Greek it means power to the owners of Athens salves.
Democracy is for the master not for the servant, democracy of the rulers over the ruled. What good democracy if you have no money to buy food?
Finally here we are in the year 2005AD at exactly the same year 0005AD and 2005BC the situation of the individual has not changed an inch, what has changed are the gadgets of control. The social relations have not changed for the last 70000 years, why because the enslavement of another fellow human being remains and is live and kicking.
As always there is an urgent need for a major conscious leap into a future designed by humanity for the sake of living free and in dignity. No cults of leadership under whatever disguise, this time the revolution will not be as it was in the past, i.e., in the hands of Bolsheviks and authoritarian communists, but in the hand of the whole people who want to participate in the creation of their own destiny.
1. Termination of all ownership over natural resources and production.
2. This planet is ours and everything on it is ours too and no one was given the right to sell it to us and thus enslaves us for eternity.
3. Work, rent, price and wages are the painful expression of our misery and modern slavery.
4. By terminating the state and capitalism we bring to an end all human suffering on earth.
5. Without any authority or hierarchy, without money and classes we will end the unnecessary hardship and suffering of billions of people living now on earth.
Economy / politics (capitalist, socialist, fascist) are the cages designed for us by our self-chosen masters. They are the cages we are put in since birth and there we exist: a cage we call home, a cage we call work a cage we call poverty and marriage, a concrete cage of psycho-physical torture we call the lottery of normality.
Capitalism is a big jail for the majority of the populace, the state is a big prison, a well guarded highly equipped working and punitive / reward prison for the inhabitants, operating on Pavlov's principle but stripped of its socialistic connotation.
Capitalism and the state imprison both the rich and the poor, hiding them each in their respective places. A prison that they themselves participated in creating, some willingly others through enforced labor. Society's self designed jail based on the objective conditioning of modern alienation and the deterministic enslavement of humanity – a ramified historical necessity.
Break the chains of the past, break the chain of ignorance and submission and join the anarchic social revolution. The future is their for the making, lets enjoy in creating it.
The system that destroys mind and matter
The capitalist system is the cause of all modern barbarism. Capitalism is an economical cannibalism; it kills and devours people for profit.
Capitalism is a mass killing machine just like the Romans and Chingis Khan but in the disguise of finance and personal investments.
Capitalism is an amalgamation of pain, blood and sweat. Capitalism is the concentration of stolen labor and confiscated land. Capitalism is the primary cause of disease, mental and medical. Capitalism causes 90% of all violence in the world, the blood/sweat thirst of capital.
The toxic fangs of capital, the vampires are the ruling class and their lackey's, the parasite lurking over other people's labor, the executioners of freedom and love.
Capitalists are sucker parasites feeding on humanity, predation on all collective benefits, accumulating their loot for further infinite expansion called the business cycle.
The rich and their banks and stock exchange will have learned to live without them; their parasitic practices will be terminated for ever. No more excuses for neither buying nor selling.
The people of the world will take control over their food and shelter and all the rest of it and get rid of the leaders of capital and terminate their beloved pyramid the state.
Capitalism makes the world ugly and by its nature it is greedy and stingy. On the ruins of modern capitalism we will have free people living without barter or exchange, without a need for a symbolic mediation, living through direct conscious distribution of production and consumption.
God and capital and the state are dead, anarchists have killed them in the last 200 years. We have killed them because they deserve to vanish from our existence, what they have left behind in their glorious historic march is nothing but slavery, global misery and devastation.
We destroy capital and the state to liberate humanity from its hypnotic social grip and its desperate repulsive reappearance as a spectacle of the negative dimension.
Capitalism is an historical perversion and the state is a manic deviation. Anarchism defeats the state and capitalism and offers humanity something that is worthy of their posture, a labor of love or the love of labor, beauty instead of horror
C I A – Communist Individualist Anarchism
Dear revolutionaries – Greetings still from the hell of the future
The "development" of capitalism is a total and permanent human crisis, physically and psycho-emotionally.
The forces of politico-economical powers are one and the same thing but in different periods and faces, operating within historical conditioning on a global scale.
The head, body and tail of the capitalist beast which is humanly sick and perverted in its social relations, based on usurers, conmen and speculators. Under the disguise of post-barter exchange they legalize their stolen profit and labor loot.
A system of universal suffering wars and poverty, a global system of robbery of all resources, exploitation and then after ruining the planet and human life they hide in remote country sides or well hidden bunkers.
A system of violent and viscous powers ruled and conducted by politico-fiscal tyrants and rich megalomaniacs, who swindled humanity in controlling its entire human and natural resources.
Crimes against humanity what this system does because it is based on a capitalist legal form of socio-economical criminality, an officially recognized egoism and ambitious lust and greed as a substitute for the lack of genuine pleasure.
The hierarchy is severely perverted; it has created monsters of powers that were encouraged to become so, leaders who are mentally shallow and instable, like the ones we have today and as it always in the past.
Neither left nor right of capital will save us from a determined doom, but a conscious socio-anarchic revolution lead by the people themselves with a little help from anarcho-revolutionary friends.
The anarcho-social revolution is a real solution to a real problem; only anarchy can dissolve capitalism and bring it to a halt. How to stop capitalism from killing humanity quickly and gradually in the name of free marketeering and a ruling class democracy?
We can stop this destructive self-blinded march in the quest for more and more billions of dollars and universal domination.
How long capitalism is going to devour us and later excrete us for recycling our submission and obedience? When will the capitalist system become obsolete? Can we fasten the process of its disintegration as was the case in the socialist system.
When will this criminal and brutal system disappear and free humanity from its nasty yoke? When will it self-destruct and how? Well, the answer to all these urgent problems is our anarcho-revolutionary activity in the last fifty years.
Freedom fighters in theory and practice, as living example, in words and deeds, courageously digging the grave of international-state capitalism. Now the grave is deep and ready and what remain it just to push it down there and on the surface plant some ganja weeds.
The freedom of all is the freedom of the one and the well being of each, so we can go on living without coercion and oppression. Let's accompany humanity in our journey of intellectual creativity and constructive alterations. Start with subverting your immediate environment and the internet.
Porno-military internet, anarcho-capitalism and patriotic cyber chauvinism
The tools – The individual – The state – The society
1. The perverted historical development of "humanity.
2. The perverted historical development of hierarchy.
3. The onto-epistemological spectacle/surveillance.
4. The anarcho-symbiosis and nihilo-metamorphosis.
5. Theoretico-practical meta-synthesis.
6. Creation of anarcho-alternative paths of progression.
7. Meta-dialectical and post-materialist emancipation.
8. Anarcho-communist revolutionary advance.
Free individuals like anarchism are the fundamental precondition for a free and equal society. Nihilo-revolutionary thinking and acting for the liquidation of anti-human forces and cyber annihilation of all ideologies and religions, thus ending quasi-theory and ignorant behavior.
The foundation of capitalism (1760-1840) is based on criminality and illegality, the new economy of punishment, the ghetto and prison for the masses.
Anarcho-capitalism is a dead fish stinking from its head, pity-bourgeoisie greed without state interference. The western civilization the creator of unnatural capitalism 200 years ago is half liberal and half fascist. All ideologies and religions were created for the sole purpose of controlling the mind and gold. Politics and economy like science, ethics and morality were designed for the purpose of manipulating and managing the feudo-industrial modern slave.
All systems are rotten and are very destructive to life and must be abolished to rescue the human race from its self-made extinction.
What we need is an anti-system, the meta-system, a system-less harmony and creation which means in pragmatic term, economical happiness to all people on earth. Yours in the anarchic social revolution 2005CIA.
Most anarchists are not anarchist at all - Anti-economical determinism
Since anarchists from the time of Bakunin and Kropotkin up to now depended solely on the Marxist analysis of capitalist economy that turned out to be very wrong and misleading. This erroneous analysis brought down the whole socialist camp and exposed the invalidity of communist theory.
The dependence of anarchism on failed Marxist predictions and prognostication caused plenty of harm to anarchic theory and turned anarchists into regimented scouts of social therapy. No wonder that modern anarchism looks like this today, North American anarchism is not anarchism at all, but a replica of middle class activism.
Anti-economical anarchism is the only true anarchism since it alone can totally eliminate all sorts of authority, hierarchy and what ever oppression anywhere.
Anarchism as represented by our friends in north Europe, is pathetic and makes you want to puke, to even think of organized anarchism is an ultra contradiction in term. As a result of so many crucial mistakes contemporary anarchists behave as a bunch of left wing liberal scouts, negotiating their party line and dogmatic ideology, just as our hated cousin the Bolshevik.
The magic ward of affinity group means let's hide in little gropes and pretend we are operating on a global scale, or let's dress in a differently colored costumes so we could play safely whilst confronting the 8 masters.
Primitivism is not anarchism nor salvation is going to come from the internet, the revolution awaits you someplace and somewhere else.
This is not a criticism of the anarchic movement as such, but a recommendation for the adaptation of a meta-Marxist post-capital anti-dialectical approach based on anti-analysis and the demolishment of capitalist social relations.
What we need is an anti-economical post-Marxist meta-synthesis for the creation of the last revolution. Economy is theft and property is robbery.
All necessities of life is distributed free during and after the revolution, the collapse of capitalism will enrich the whole world population and turn each and everyone into an overnight millionaires, we shell have by the year 2015 7000000000 millionaires, a very happy and celebrative humanity.
Arm your pleasure and equip your passion with revolutionary knowledge so you will be always ready to make and participate in the already long overdue social revolution.
If by waiting few more years we can further reduce the required violence to a minimum then be it. After destroying the state and hierarchy wages and commerce disappear to the disappointment of many anarcho-capitalists.
Labor will turn into a revolt, we want to manage our lives ourselves and no one else and anyone who dares otherwise shell facet a violent attack, since slavery and exploitation are unforgivable and epidemic.
The destruction of life is not a demagogic issue but a survival defense and a last stand of the slave who is on a head collision with his master.
Freedom must be taken by force; justice is equality when there is no exploiting fellow human any more. Values and business is an organize deceit orchestrated by blood stained economical gangsters embraced by weak and corrupt politicos.
Capital economy is the king and the ruling classes, immersed in wealth and power whilst devastating our lives, our planet and obliterating the future.
They impoverish the rest of humanity whilst keeping the middle class and allowing it consume, thus keeping it in check, business-bossy and ossified.
Humanity wants revolt and it wants it now and we are here to provide it with exactly that. Lets not allow 200 years of anarchism be thrown to the garbage of history because of some alienated tendencies. We exist and that is enough to create the biggest and final revolution in our miserable human history, cause a revolution that has never been witnessed before i.e, the creation of freedom. Humanity demands freedom and we demand material equality, a meta-critical mass rebellion engulfing the whole planet thus turning life into a more bearable and pleasant existence for all.
The death of theory and the end of idealism
The blind is leading the blind
Philosophy as clinical psychiatry
The death of philosophy
Dull and frigid philosophers
The impotence of capitalist thinkers
Pedantic idealism
Philosophers to the garbage
And the revolution is here to stay
Philosophers like scientists are dogmatic and very limited, they always serve the master. Philosophy is the religion of capitalism and science is metaphysical; the poverty of intellectual life. Afraid of freedom and concrete equality they bow to every idle and submit their critical thinking to the service of the empire that be.
Confused by their own tautology and anxious about their ontological crises, they plunge into the formal and abstract.
Well, this time there is no escape dear philosopher and scientist, because your hay days are few.
Termination of the capitalist system
1. By dismantling the army and police we dissolve the state and authority and thus no one will be capable of attacking or exploiting another.
2. By the cancellation of inheritance law and terminating private ownership of natural resources and the means of production, i.e., by the elimination of capitalist social relations and business our world turns into paradise and not hell.
3. The burning of money as an exchange value.
4. The ending of all laws and bourgeois morality thus terminating the hegemony of the ruling classes.
5. Capitalism is a physical and mental disease, a profitable disease for the few, its urgent cure is the uprooting the infected reactionary cyst called system control for the dictatorship of the rich.
6. The only cure and solution is revolutionary transformation of society on the basis of gift economy and total material equality.
7. Anarchic anti-capitalist social leap into a world where human life has the highest consideration.
The Death of Theory and Idealism
* Why – when – how – who – etc.
A. The West has the right objective conditions yet lacks the rebellious nature of the people, at present at least.
B. The East and South have masses of rebellious people but lack the objective conditions.
C. Anarchism like Communism has been stuck theoretically and practically for the last 200 years.
D. Revolutionary transformation of consciousness and its advancement of human faculties.
* Answers – solutions – post-dialectics – etc.
1. Why do I start with West (English), the global situation of the internet is obvious. In English for the West first because intellectually it is more advanced whilst the rest of the world has emotional superiority.
2. The mixture of a highly advanced emotion from the South and East with the very developed intellect of the West is the answer to 90% of all contemporary human problems.
3. Self-criticism and self-complementation on correct occasions alone guarantees permanent development in all fields.
4. You cannot make a penny or a cent without further destroying some other human lives.
5. Rapid accumulation of knowledge and its revolutionary transformation into social practice and preparedness for the revolution.
As to the readers of all sides of the ideological specter, please, just wait a second and comprehend before you respond, adjust yourselves to a totally new universal situation. Those of you who desire to rescue and save humanity from utter devastation should only lend a hand and coordinate this colossal task.
Whereas to those readers who wish to maintain whatever authority and hierarchy from our ugly past should listen carefully to what I have to say because otherwise they are going to find themselves expelled from society on a trip. Likewise those who won't to maintain any sort of governance or statehood or capitalism under any banner, please listen, it might be the last time we say please give up peacefully so we would not have to use any force.
The majority of the people are in no position whatsoever to take back their right of self-determination; most people are deluded into voting believing that they are taking part in an equal and democratic process. Capitalism is democratic as in Greek it means power to the owners of Athens salves.
Democracy is for the master not for the servant, democracy of the rulers over the ruled. What good democracy if you have no money to buy food?
Finally here we are in the year 2005AD at exactly the same year 0005AD and 2005BC the situation of the individual has not changed an inch, what has changed are the gadgets of control. The social relations have not changed for the last 70000 years, why because the enslavement of another fellow human being remains and is live and kicking.
As always there is an urgent need for a major conscious leap into a future designed by humanity for the sake of living free and in dignity. No cults of leadership under whatever disguise, this time the revolution will not be as it was in the past, i.e., in the hands of Bolsheviks and authoritarian communists, but in the hand of the whole people who want to participate in the creation of their own destiny.